Three of the most important takeaways from Verkada’s newly released 2023 Teen Vaping Survey are that:
The popularity of student vaping is rising, even though vaping and non-vaping teens alike agree that it is a problem that impacts the academic performance of vaping teens and those around them.
A surprising 77% of teens believe that it’s easy to get away with vaping in school, and 61% believe that they can do it without repercussions.
Teachers and teens agree that additional security (79% and 78%, respectively) and technology (78% and 76%) would be most effective in curbing vaping in school.
Vape sensors like Verkada’s SV23 are already helping thousands of schools detect vape incidents in bathrooms and other locations. However, we’ve also heard from customers that today’s monitoring solutions still require schools to devote significant resources to monitoring and addressing vaping incidents.

To help address these issues and expand customers’ ability to address the vaping epidemic, we have two product announcements to complement our latest research: enhanced alerts and promotional pricing on all sensor software licenses.
Enhancing Sensor Alerts
We’ve enhanced sensor alerts with the industry-leading computer vision technology of Verkada Cameras to provide greater context and speed to alert investigations. All sensors paired with a context camera will now have:
People detection thumbnails on the sensor device page to show all people detected before, during, and after a sensor alert.
People activity overlay on the sensor alert graph to mark people's activity.
With these new features, customers can easily see all people and vehicles in a frame before, during and after a sensor alert. By unifying this information in Verkada Command, customers can quickly identify people who may have been in an area when an alert occurred.
These features unlock time-saving applications by providing greater context to sensor alerts. For example, administrators no longer have to respond to every vape alert but can instead review alerts and events over time by using people detection thumbnails to identify which students are vaping.
Software License Promotional Pricing
To provide additional support for organizations looking to address the vaping epidemic, Verkada is announcing promotional pricing on all 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year Verkada sensor software licenses for any licenses purchased between now and October 31. Reach out to [email protected] or your Verkada representative for more information.