Control and Oversee Features at the Organization Level With Feature Manager
Features such as facial recognition and the ability to capture audio are powerful tools to have when it comes to safety. But we also understand the sensitivity of these features and the data that accompanies them. This is why we are introducing Feature Manager to give admins more visibility and control over the use of sensitive features.
With Feature Manager, Organization Admins can disable or permanently remove certain features at the organization level. Feature Manager currently controls the sharing of video links, audio recording, People and Vehicle Analytics features, and License Plate Recognition.

Disabling a feature hides the ability for it to be enabled for any device in the organization, preventing, for example, a Site Admin from inadvertently enabling capabilities that go against internal company guidelines. If necessary, any Organization Admin can undo this action by going to the Feature Manager and re-enabling the feature for the organization.
Removing a feature operates similarly, but once a feature is removed, it cannot be managed or reinstated within Command. The ability to completely remove a feature provides extra peace of mind that the feature is not being used within the organization. To reinstate a removed feature, the customer must contact Verkada support with a notarized letter. Since feature removal is less easily reversible, it requires the consent of two Organization Admins.
Feature Manager also includes a "Compliance Report" pdf view that provides a succinct summary of all feature settings at both the organization and device level, including when a feature’s status was last modified and by whom. It is designed to be a resource that organizations can use to support compliance and audit processes.

To learn more about both the Feature Manager as well as the Compliance Report, please view the help article.