Testen Sie das Verkada DK11-Demo-Kit noch heute (1)

The DK22 brings the plug-and-play simplicity of Verkada’s cloud-based physical security platform to a self-contained demo environment for you to easily deploy, trial, and explore.

The DK22 features a complete access control deployment, including a Verkada AC12 one-door controller and our latest generation AD34 reader, as well as a CM42 camera to showcase the powerful integration between our access control and video security systems. The DK22 also includes a GC31 cellular gateway, so you can test the system without plugging it into your network.

  • Verkada Command

  • AC12 Door Controller

  • AD34 Door Reader

  • CM42 Mini Dome

  • GC31 Cellular Gateway

Each DK22 Includes:

Watch setup video

Our 30-Day DK22 Trial includes:

* Es gelten die Nutzungsbedingungen für Tests. Manche größere Tests erfordern ggf. eine Vorauszahlung. In jedem Fall werden Ihnen keine Produkte in Rechnung gestellt, die Sie nach Ende Ihres Testzeitraums zurücksenden.

Watch 2-Min Access Control Overview Video

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