Physical Security Risk Questionnaire

A free assessment to help pinpoint physical security vulnerabilities and take action to mitigate risks.

It’s never a bad time to take stock of your physical security infrastructure — but this can be an overwhelming task for most organizations. Verkada aims to help simplify this with a free, online physical security questionnaire that you can complete at your own pace and convenience - it should take about 2-3 minutes.

The Physical Security Risk Questionnaire aims to provide you with a foundational understanding of your physical security risks to help inform whether further physical security risk assessments may be required.

While this questionnaire draws from themes within ISO 27001 and ISO 31000 risk compliance auditing, it is not a substitute for an ISO 27001 or ISO 31000-certified audit conducted by a qualified professional.

After submitting your questionnaire, you will receive a report containing tailored insights on your physical security risks, including:

  • Personalized risk score: A score sheet laying out your organization’s overall risk rating broken down color code (Green, Yellow, Red).
  • Risk remediation: A customized list of risk remediation guidance based on industry best practices.

Ready to take the first step toward security and peace of mind? Click to get started with your free security questionnaire or view a sample report.

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