Improve Restaurant Safety With Surveillance Technology

Strengthen physical safety across restaurant locations with Verkada.

Surveillance Technology For Restaurants & Bars

Verkada makes it effortless to streamline visiblity across restaurants to improve customer experiences, staff safety, and food quality. With plug-and-play cameras, scale coverage and gain insights about restaurant activities & day-to-day operations.

Why Restaurants & Bars Choose Verkada


Benefits of Restaurant Security Cameras

  • Ensure Food Safety and Quality

    For restaurant owners and managers, monitoring activity in kitchens and prep stations are critical to guaranteeing the quality of all food and drinks.

    With footage of kitchen activity, ensure that staff is properly handling food and following the latest in food safety rules.

    By proactively mitigating risks associated with federal food safety laws, avoid substantial fines and preserve the reputation of your restaurant in the community.

  • Better Customer Experience

    Monitor areas where staff and customers interact to improve customer experiences and staff safety.

    By positioning security cameras in your restaurant to capture the exchange of funds or goods between employees and customers, easily confirm, dispute or understand scenarios objectively.

    Video footage also acts as visual evidence when trying to determine the appropriate way to respond to customer complaints and insurance claims.

  • 脅威を事前に抑止




Improve Restaurant & Staff Safety

Simplify visibility and management across restaurant and restaurant chains.

A Better Approach to Video Security

See why industry leaders choose Verkada’s award-winning video security solution.

  • Customer Story: Pausa Bar & Cookery

    See why industry leaders choose Verkada’s award-winning video security solution.

  • What to Ask Before You Buy: Security Checklist

    See why industry leaders choose Verkada’s award-winning video security solution.

  • 5 Myths About Your NVR and DVR System

    See why industry leaders choose Verkada’s award-winning video security solution.

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