VerkadaOne '24

Colorado Convention Center | Denver, CO
September 17th-19th, 2024

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VerkadaOne is a nonstop three-day event packed with fresh insights and priceless moments. Explore the latest announcements and see what’s still to come.


Bringing the Heat to VerkadaOne

Igniting an industry-wide evolution is something to celebrate, and we’re marking the occasion at the VerkadaOne Customer Appreciation Concert.

August 15th

Lunch Chef Byron Gomez

Between an action-packed morning and an inspiring afternoon, VerkadaOne attendees can enjoy lunch with Byron Gomez, a Top Chef Season 18 contestant and current Executive Chef at Denver’s 18-seat, Michelin-starred and Michelin Green-starred restaurant Brutø.

Keynote Speaker

General Stan McChrystal

Co-Founder of the McChrystal Group

Best-Selling Author of Risk: A User’s Guide, Leaders: Myth and Reality, Team of Teams and My Share of the Task

Former Commander of U.S. and International Forces in Afghanistan

Register Today for VerkadaOne 2024
