Product NewsIntroducing the CM42-S Mini Split Camera: Empowering Customers with 5MP Coverage in Discreet EnvironmentsSep 24, 2024Manuel CastroLead Product Manager, Cameras Hardware
Product NewsIntroducing the TD33, TD53, and TD63 Video IntercomsSep 24, 2024David ZhaiProduct Manager
Product NewsIntroducing Third-Party VMS Integrations for Air Quality Sensor EventsSep 24, 2024Dominic KomarekProduct Manager, Sensors
Product NewsLevel Up the Visitor Check-In Process with Major Admin Updates to Verkada GuestSep 24, 2024Sarah TaylorProduct Marketing Manager
Product NewsUnlock Doors Using Mobile NFC on Android DevicesSep 24, 2024Caroline ColemanSenior Product Marketing Manager
Product NewsVerkada introduces AI-Powered Alerts, expanded integrations, as well as next-generation cameras, intercoms, and door readers at VerkadaOneSep 24, 2024Priyanka SrinivasanVice President of Product Marketing
Product NewsAnnouncing New FIPS-Validated PTZ and Multisensor CamerasAug 8, 2024David MurguiaLead Product Manager
Product NewsEnhancing Enterprise Scalability with New Intercom Software FeaturesAug 8, 2024Michelle LiProduct Marketing
Product NewsIntroducing New Extended Cloud Backup LicensingAug 8, 2024Aditya AnguriaSenior Product Manager, Cameras