Product NewsStreamline Alert Creation and Trigger Automated Responses02/2024Apurva DesaiLead Product Manager, Platform
Product NewsAnnouncing Command Improvements That Unlock Greater Ease of Use and Manageability11/2023Yalini PrabhakaranProduct Manager, Command
Product NewsConfigure Notifications for Cameras, Alarms, Air Quality Sensors, and Access Control From the Alerts Page11/2023Priyanka SekharSenior Product Manager
Product NewsStreamline Investigations and Simplify Reporting With Incident Management in Command11/2023Pushpak PujariProduct Manager, Cameras, Camera Software and Computer Vision
Product NewsControl and Oversee Features at the Organization Level With Feature Manager02/2023Yalini PrabhakaranProduct Manager, Command
Product NewsAnnouncing Alert page for camera alerts in Verkada Command02/2023Anders HoldenProduct Manager